HTS - Hosted Telecom Solutions
HTS stands for Hosted Telecom Solutions
Here you will find, what does HTS stand for in Telecommunications under Communications category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hosted Telecom Solutions? Hosted Telecom Solutions can be abbreviated as HTS What does HTS stand for? HTS stands for Hosted Telecom Solutions. What does Hosted Telecom Solutions mean?Hosted Telecom Solutions is an expansion of HTS
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Alternative definitions of HTS
- High Throughput Screening
- Home Team Sports
- Highway Transportation System
- high temperature superconductors
- Human Terrain System
- Hatteras Financial Corp
- high tensile strength
- HARM Targeting System
View 121 other definitions of HTS on the main acronym page
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- HBI Hair and Beauty India
- HSGB Hotel Sierra Green Bay
- HHOW Hyundai Hope On Wheels
- HHA Hyatt Hotel Amritsar
- HTSL Henley Theatre Services Limited
- HS Hobson and Son
- HML Heirloom Media Ltd
- HCC Hancocks Cash and Carry
- HCG Hotel Clover Group
- HT Hunks in Trunks
- HMS Healthcare Management Solutions
- HHF Hope Housing Foundation
- HCL Hutton Construction Ltd
- HLBCM HLB Ca Malta
- HCPL Hoke County Public Library